Are You Anxious About Birth?

Well why wouldn’t you be, with our fear drenched culture around birthing! It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy. Fear begets tension - tension begets pain - pain begets fear and on it goes. 

This is at least one of the factors that can impact one’s birthing experience. 

Another is that women often have an inherent distrust of their bodies and their ability to give birth. Again, a cultural issue that has arisen from thousands of years of patriarchy (of course) but also in a more modern context, the over-use of medical intervention. Medical support has made birthing very safe in this part of the world, but it’s generally accepted that it has now over-shot the mark. In an attempt to reduce all risk (which is of course impossible) it instills more fear and self doubt into women. 

In the name of safety, many many women are unnecessarily disturbed, poked at, cut, pumped with synthetic hormones (which we still don’t fully understand the long term impact of), made to feel scared, undermined, voiceless or coerced.

All or any of these can be enough to rob them of the opportunity to experience what can be for many women the most empowering and uplifting experience of their whole life. The more warrior goddess mums we have in the world, the better this goddamn place is going to be! Right?

Our BodyMind Birthing course will help you to understand the physiology of birth, what the variables might be and ways you can prepare for the unknown.

We also teach you a host of valuable and practical body and mind tools to help you have the best experience possible.




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